
You are now part of the Monash family! Uni life can seem complicated at first, so this site will help make it a little easier to navigate your first semester at Monash Malaysia. It guides you through everything you need to do to get yourself comfortable, right up until Week 4 of your first semester. Just start scrolling to browse topics and click on the blocks to discover the important (and fun!) bits to get settled in quickly.

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Congratulations and selamat datang to Monash University Malaysia!

For international students, you may proceed with the steps below only after your Visa Approval Letter (VAL) has been approved.

Please complete these four stepsAlready have your Monash account? Skip to step 2. If not, we recommend you do Step 1 right away, as it may take a few hours for your account to be activated before you can proceed further.

Step 1: Create your Monash IT Account

You will need your Monash IT Account to access your student email and all other online resources. Click here to find out more. Your Monash ID is required to create your Monash IT Account. You can find it in your offer letter.

Step 1.1

Register and activate your account here. Please use UPPERCASE when creating your Monash IT Account.

Step 1.2

A verification email will be sent to your nominated personal email address for password setup. Please click here for information on how to choose a strong Password.

Step 1.3

You will need to enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on your smartphone.

Click here to find out more.

Step 1.4

Do you tend to forget your password?

Sign up for the Self Service Password Reset service here.

Still need help ?

Activating your account

Activating your account

Check out the step-by-step guide to activating your Monash account. Discover how you can activate and set up your multi-factor authentication (MFA) as well as other handy self-service options. It is highly recommend you take up the self-service option for back-up codes and password reset - this can save you a lot of time if you forget your password or lose your phone.

Android users setting up MFA from China may encounter problems. Please see the help page at register for MFA from China

Using your Monash account and email

You'll use the account to access your Monash email, class timetable, student portal, course materials, and the Web Enrolment System (WES).


To access your Monash mail account log into your Student Portal.

Your Monash account is the only email the University will use to communicate with you. Be sure to check it daily so you don't miss important messages about your enrolment or studies.

Contact Us

Contact the ITS Servicedesk at +603-55146200 or email servicedesk.my@monash.edu

Step 2: Plan your course

Before enrolling in units or while awaiting approval of your eVAL, you should:

  • Understand your course structure: All courses have specific requirements and compulsory units (core units). Some courses have units you can choose (elective units).
  • Check which units are available: Some units cannot be taken before other units (prerequisites), or at the same time (corequisites)

Select your school:

Arts and Social Sciences

Get online course information

Your school website has information about your course structure, including course maps to help you select your units.
What elective units can I take?

Refer to the unit offering list for electives.

Still need help?
Contact the Monash Malaysia Connect team for additional support.

Get online course information

Your school website has information about your course structure, including course maps to help you select your units.

What elective units can I take?
Consult your course map for information on electives.
Still need help?

Contact the Monash Malaysia Connect team for additional support.


Get online course information

Your school website has information about your course structure, including course maps to help you select your units.

What elective units can I take?
Consult your course map for information on electives.
Still need help?

Contact the Monash Malaysia Connect team for additional support.

Information Technology

Get online course information

Your school website has information about your course structure, including course maps to help you select your units.

What to enrol in ?

Consult the Enrolment Guidelines to determine what units to enrol in.

Still need help?

Contact the Monash Malaysia Connect team for additional support.

Medicine and Health Sciences

Get online course information

Your school website has information about your course structure, including course maps to help you select your units.


Still need help?

Contact the Monash Malaysia Connect team for additional support.


Get online course information

Your school website has information about your course structure, including course maps to help you select your units.
What elective units can I take?

Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours): There is no elective unit. All units in the course are core units.

Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science: Refer to the course progression map for information and the listing for your electives in the respective course (available in the handbook).

Still need help?

Contact the Monash Malaysia Connect team for additional support.


Get online course information

Your school website has information about your course structure, including course maps to help you select your units.

What elective units can I take?
You can take elective units from any faculty as long as you meet the unit prerequisites.
Still need help?

Contact the Monash Malaysia Connect team for additional support.


Get online course information

Your school website has information about your course structure, including course maps to help you select your units.

What elective units can I take?
Refer to your course map for information and the listing for your electives in the respective course page.
Still need help?

Contact the Monash Malaysia Connect team for additional support.

Pathways & Immersion

Get online course information

Your school website has information about your course structure, including course maps to help you select your units.

Diploma of Higher Education Studies

What do I need to enrol?
Refer to your course map (received via email).

Still need help?

Contact the Monash Malaysia Connect team for additional support.

Monash English

Before enrolment, please ensure you have read through and completed the instructions in the offer letter, including activating the IT account.

International students, please make sure you have passed your passport and medical screening slip to the International Student Pass (ISP) office as  soon as possible to avoid any disruptions.

The Education Management Office of the School of Pathways and Immersion will enrol you in all required Monash English units.

General Studies

As a student in Malaysia, the Ministry of Education requires you to complete some General Studies units. To graduate, you will need to complete these units:

International Students

  • MPU3143 Communicative Malay 2
  • MPU3193 Philosophy and Current Issues
  • MPU3312 Integrity and Anti-Corruption
  • MPU3412 Sustainability in Practice (additional new unit for 2025 intake. This unit will only be offered starting Semester 2, 2025.)

For more information,  please visit the General Studies website.

Note: All General Studies units are only offered in Semester 1 and Semester 2 of the academic teaching calendar.

Still need help?

Contact the Monash Malaysia Connect team for additional support.

Monash University’s Web Enrolment System (WES) is your single point of access to information, services, and resources. You may use WES to:

  • update your personal details
  • enrol, re-enrol and manage your enrolment
  • access exam timetables and results

Follow these steps before logging into WES.

Step 3.1: Register your details 

Using your Monash account, log into WES to complete these modules in the enrolment summary tables .

To get to the enrolment summary table, follow these steps:

  1. Access WES
  2. Click on Current Students
  3. Go into Enrolment/Re-Enrolment
  4. Choose your primary course
  5. Complete the following in the Enrolment Summary table:
    1. Update your:
      1. Postal Address (where you are currently staying for the duration of your studies)
      2. Home Address (your home country or hometown)
      3. Emergency Contact Details
      4. Mailing Name Format
    2. Complete the Monash Compulsory Modules
    3. Fill out the Enrolment Questionnaire. You will receive a 10-digit transaction number after completion. You will need to provide this transaction number when you apply for your student ID card (M-Pass).
    4. Area of Study

Step 3.2: Enrol in units

International students :  You must ensure your passport is submitted to the International Student Pass (ISP) office by the Friday before Orientation Week in order to enrol in your units.

To enrol in your units, choose Unit enrolment in WES.

  • You can enrol online before orientation unless your offer letter advises otherwise. You'll need to enrol before the deadline.
  • Enrol according to your course map and make sure you click SUBMIT ENROLMENT before closing the page.
  • Don't worry if you 're not sure you have all the units right, you can still change units, you have until the Friday before the course start date in your offer letter.

Step 3.3: Enrol for General Studies

To enrol, choose your General Studies unit from the list of available sessions.

If you have been enrolled or exempted from the General Studies unit, the below prompt will  appear when an attempt to enrol the unit is made.

"This unit is already listed in your enrollment form or has already been completed and therefore cannot be selected more than once. Please submit your enrollment form or select another unit, or contact your faculty for further advice"

Note: All General Studies units are only offered in Semester 1 and Semester 2 of the academic teaching calendar.



Am I enrolled?

You are enrolled when you see:

  • the status ENROLLED beside your units
  • Submission successful in red

You'll also receive a confirmation email in your Monash email.

Step 4: Apply for your M-Pass

Now that you have enrolled, you can apply for the M - Pass, your student ID card.

Login here with your Monash IT Account to apply for your M-Pass. (Please ensure you also log out of all your personal email accounts to access the M-Pass application form).

You will be notified by email once the card is ready for collection. All forms submitted after 2pm will only be processed on the next working day.

For more assistance, please submit your enquiry via Ask Mira.

Things to do before teaching starts

Some faculties require you to complete some tasks before teaching starts. Please follow the instructions that apply to your course.

Maths/science skills for undergraduate courses - for students with qualifications other than an Australian Year 12 or IB Diploma Programme, we highly recommend you complete our assumed knowledge skills analysis to strengthen your knowledge and identify key revision resources.