Current students: Log into the Web Enrolment System (WES) using your Monash username and password.
Past students: Log into the Web Enrolment System (WES) using your:
Student ID
Date of birth
First name(s)
Middle name
In order for you to successfully log in, the details you use must match the ones on your student record.
You can only add or withdraw from units at certain times in the Web Enrolment System (WES).
You can make changes:
during the enrolment period for the first and second semester
during the re-enrolment period which starts on the second Monday of October each year
after the release of official unit results to check your unit choices are still valid.
If you're unable to enrol in or withdraw from a unit in WES, submit an Enrolment Amendment Form.
The Web Enrolment System (WES) gives you a transaction number when you successfully change your record.
We recommend you don't log out of WES until you can view the transaction number on the screen and in your student email.
The transaction prefix will differ depending upon the type of change you make.
You can confirm the transaction number both in WES and your student email.
Keep this number as proof of update in the case of an enrolment dispute.
Updates in WES to: Transaction number is 10 digits:
CSP/HECS-HELP 'Cnew######'
Enrolment questionnaire 'Q#########'
FEE-HELP 'FH########'
SA-HELP 'SA########'
Unit enrolment 'U#########'
Intermission 'INT#######'
Deferment 'DEF#######'
The Web Enrolment System (WES) issues a transaction number for each successful change to your student record. You can view the number in WES and your student email.
You won't get a transaction number if:
you don't click SUBMIT ENROLMENT
WES did not process the change. View Why do I get an error when I submit my enrolment on WES?
there is a database or computer failure
you close your browser before the transaction is complete.
In this case, update your record again, and make sure you click SUBMIT ENROLMENT to confirm your changes.
If you click SUBMIT ENROLMENT without making any changes to your record, WES will:
display a transaction screen, but without a number
email you confirming your record is unchanged.
You can log into WES at any time to check the status of your student record.
Contact us for help if you experience problems using WES and tell us which browser you're using. Where possible, attach screenshots of problem screens or system error messages. Make sure each attachment is no bigger than 2mb in size. When you submit the online enquiry form, you can track its progress .
You can add a unit in the Web Enrolment System (WES).
To add units to your enrolment:
go to the Enrolment / Re-enrolment section in WES, then into Unit Enrolment
click the To Add Units Click here link at the top of the enrolment form
enter or search for the units you want to enrol in to add them to your enrolment
Click SUBMIT once you’ve finished making changes (if you don’t submit your changes, they won’t be saved).
The last day you can add an:
on-campus unit is two weeks after the start of semester one or two
off-campus unit is three days before the start of semester one or two (i.e. Friday before semester starts).
For information on specific dates, see change units – WES access dates or principal dates.
If you're unable to enrol in a unit in WES, submit an Enrolment Amendment Form.
If you add a unit to your enrolment:
log into Allocate+ to register yourself in activities for this unit.
allow up to 72 hours for this unit to appear in Moodle (for units added after the start of the semester).
Hints when adding units in WES
If an error message is returned when you try to enrol, it is possible you have not met the prerequisites to study the unit:
Remove the unit from your enrolment and SUBMIT ENROLMENT to clear the form.
Complete your enrolment for all other units, then submit an Enrolment Amendment Form for those units that returned an error message.
If an error message is returned saying you haven't enrolled in enough credit points, you'll need to add more units before WES will allow you to submit. To enrol in less than 48 credit points for the year, submit an Enrolment Amendment Form.
WES will email you a transaction number when you have successfully made updates to your enrolment. Keep this as a record of your changes.